A word about my experience




Posted 11/05/05, edited 02/27/06:


There is no easy way to introduce people to what is about to be revealed to them on my website. For those who have never heard of the Face on Mars or the D&M pyramid, I will try to make this short and sweet while at the same time provide you with some sort of background so you don’t feel like you’ve been thrown into the deep end of a very deep pool.


In case you didn’t know, there has been a controversy raging for almost 30 years about a certain Sphinx that occupies about 4.5 square kilometers of real estate in a region of Mars symbolically called Cydonia.


If you are a newcomer, I encourage you to read this brief chronology of the Martian anomaly research efforts. By far it isn’t the entire story, but it’s a fair and accurate account in a nutshell. Click here to read it.


Now that you have a little background…


To put it simply… Cydonia is a sophisticated puzzle of mirrors.


Here is a thumbnail image of the most current mosaic of Cydonia assembled by Gary of www.martianrevelation.com.

Click here for Gary’s full resolution 6MB mosaic.


I will explain later in my website exactly what the solution is and how I discovered it. Suffice it to say now that when the solution is applied to images obtained straight from NASA and ESA sources it reveals a phenomenon of symbolically and artistically rendered landscape… artscape. These works of meaningful art do not appear to be confined merely to Cydonia… Or Mars for that matter. There is undeniable evidence of similar hidden artscape on Venus and quite possibly Jupiter’s moon, Io.


The real kicker about all of this is, not only is Cydonia undeniably artificial, but as you are about to see it appears to be in tact. That is to say, not in ruin.


As I contemplate this reality, one word continues to surface in my mind… Overwhelming.


Please read on or consider yourself informed enough to continue on to see Cydonia's true nature revealed.




Posted late September 2005:


They said it would be easier to talk about the reality of artificiality at Cydonia than the gift that was given to me.


They said I would remember everything. Remember everything, I have.


I have not been alone for the past 2 months. They have been watching me closely.


One of the many pieces of information that was given to me was,  ‘I would make a discovery’.


They told me to talk about my experience and my discovery. I’m not exactly sure what I’m supposed to talk about, yet.


If I were to wager a guess at this very moment, I would bet that Cydonia was built after the last catastrophe. Allow me to take that one step further and say whoever built Cydonia is the same intelligence that prophesized the past two months of my life, moment for moment, thought for thought.


All I can say is, I’m here to talk about Cydonia and the experience that accompanied me on my way to unlocking its secrets.


Today is 9/25/05 and my experience still isn’t over. For example, every moment and thought that I experienced during the Eagles game had been narrated to me about 5 months ago by one of the best psychics in the world.


It wasn’t just the game. It was the round of golf prior and the events leading to and from the other. Just like it’s been every day for the past month.


I’m still organizing my thoughts about all this. I just know I need to get this started and posted to the web ASAP.  Hopefully, whatever it is I’m supposed to talk about will become clearer.


Thank you, Valerie. I love you. J




Posted 01/03/06:


I’ve been trying to type something here for a couple of days now. I really liked the post that follows this one, 11/05/05, but it just doesn’t seem adequate anymore. The things I’ve seen, said, and done since that post have dramatically changed my worldview. I don’t think this post will be adequate either, but there are a couple of things I want to communicate with the people who have given me more than 175,000 web hits before whatever is going to happen, happens.


A thought came to me while sitting on the sofa, appropriately watching Contact on HBO.


I’ve been showing my portfolio to people since before Christmas. What’s been most enjoyable for me is showing it to folks who don’t know a thing about Cydonia. The reaction has been…. Rewarding. J


Depending on how much time is available, certain questions always arise. The number one question seems to be, after I explain briefly what it is they’re looking at… “What does this mean?”. I think that question in and of itself is very encouraging. For those of us who knew Cydonia was artificial all along, the question implies acknowledgment of artificiality! That’s what I call a ‘giant leap’. J


That’s pretty much how I answer the question too. I’ll smile and say “I don’t know. What do you think it means? My head is still spinning!”


The Valerie plot of my story is very close to curtain. I’m anxious to share what I know was going on in ‘their’ camp, while certain things were appearing and happening in my camp. I can’t wait to put the pieces together. For instance, I knew at one point I was going to do ‘it’ and I was going to get an email response from ‘him’… almost immediately. It was like he just couldn’t resist anymore. He nearly “fell out of his chair when he saw ‘it’. He banged the palm of his hand on his forehead and exclaimed “of course, why didn’t I think of that?!”. I think we both know who and what all the pronouns are. Judging by my experience, I’ll bet that quote is exactly how it happened. There is so much more, I can hardly believe. But I do.


I hope GINA got the message. I knew something like this was going to happen. Ever since you left I kept asking myself “what’s taking her so long?” I never thought I’d be saying what took me so long! There’s really a lot more to be said, but you’ll have to be there to hear it. J


First time visitors please read on but keep in mind that the rabbit hole goes much, much deeper than what I knew to be true on November 05, 2005.