Aug 31, 2005


I do not have time to illustrate what I’m about to say, but I want to get it out there.


Along the way, I’ve been measuring and I keep finding that there are a few key lines that bisect key segments in some of the major pyramids that create interesting ratios.


Perfect 1 to 1 happens a couple times as does the ratio 2.7, and obviously 1.6 is all over the D&M.  I think I may have discovered that one segment ratio may even reflect the actual circumference of the circle that I’ve superimposed on the NK. I have not found 3.14 just yet. J



To follow is one of the major discrepancies I noticed early on in my efforts. The discrepancy is between Hoagland’s Monuments of Mars and Carlotto's the Martian Enigmas.  Hoagland shows a picture where the FOM is bisected by a 22.5 degree line off  North. He used the shadow line between hominid/lion as a reference and with good reason. It is really pronounced from certain angles. When one studies the FOM close up, (which we will!), you can still see where the lion starts and stops. It really is offset from the symmetry of the platform.




The fact remains that the platform butts up perfectly w/ 33.3.  There are other features in the mosaic, even more so in the new, which confirm 33.3 is pronounced and acknowledged. I think one of the biggest pieces of evidence of 33.3 being significantly acknowledged is the Fort’s eastern wall is 33.3 and touches the right tip of the D&M…. precisely.


In this picture, the white and black are the 33.3. The blue line is 22.5. North is red. Forget the others for now.


The 22.5 line actually ‘locks’ into place across the visage.. It does not butt up with the platform.


33.3  on the other hand, latches on to the lion’s beard and exits at the exact corner on the opposite side. 33.3 also passes through other key features in both mosaics.



Another version of the same info….





Here is the fort and the D&M relationship. Notice also how the dome w/ three small pyramids  directly to the west of it is framed by the same lines that frame the FOM.



To further add to the pronouncement of 33.3, one will find that it runs tangent to the feature in the upper right corner, while it touches the SW corner of the NK pyramid. The same line is also tangent to the corner of the geometric shape in the center.



To the North and West of the NK pyramid (shown above) is this amazing group of objects. I call this shape the Squid. Whatever it is, it certainly has symmetry.





This issue of things being aligned 33.3 off E/W alignments has important solstice implications. The ruins of Cydonia may in fact be not so old after all. Further to this issue of dating, considering how far I was able to get with my reconstruction effort, it is my humble opinion that these ruins may be much younger Richard believes. I see way too much detail in these images to believe that these ruins are 500,000 years old. 25,000 seems more likely to me at this point.


Here’s another obvious reference to 22.5….



Not to mention entrance!



**Max rolls his eyes**


Then I had this idea….




See what I mean? Symmetry. Just like the FOM:  N/S, 22.5, 33.3.


Ok, now let me show you some further analysis of the D&M. Namely the Golden Section… Here’s a copy and paste from a thread I started at TEM…. The colors of lines are different, but not much has changed from the work on my main poster.

Now I'll bet y'all were thinkin' "What about the Golden Section in the D&M, Max?!"

Here's how I did it.... I made 4 measurments working off the lower segment of the D&M. I then measured up to the D&M's tip from both left and right sides. I did this twice w/ two different base line measurments. They were as follows:

1) 2.128/1.313
2) 2.140/1.313
3) 2.124/1.319
4) 2.136/1.318

When you avg the quotients of those four ratios you get..... 1.6205

Close enough to 1.618 which is, of course, the Golden Section.

Ps... I'm still not sure about the platform... it may have a second level on the western side that follows North. The green lines are as per RCH's descripion in certain TEM articles. I'm open to thoughts about the platform at this moment. It seems to point off in two different directions.

What makes the above G.S. measurement especially pleasing is that it was an after thought. I measured that after everything was laid out.

Pentagonal Symmetry.....


And finally, Hexagonal symmetry.... It's all there.

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